Get organised dear daughter!

demntia3A good friend is having a baby soon. She is very stylish and gathering baby clothes just as stylish for her daughter soon to be born. I’m a bit superstitious about buying clothes before the baby is born but I did want to do something special. The idea popped into my mind to ask Mum to make a needle point for the birth of the baby.

Mum used to do this all that time, even rushing through her house work to spend time with her latest creation although she has not done any needle point since her illness, well over a year now. So whilst I wanted something special for my friend and her daughter it also crossed my mind that Mum getting interested and passionate about a project might have some benefits for her. So I asked her if she would mind and she agreed readily. I said I would look on the internet for a suitable sampler for the birth of a baby.

I did this the next day but only found pictures of baby feet, in blue or pink depending on the flavour of baby or hideous teddies or trains again in blue or pink. I knew my friend would politely hang this on the wall for a week shudder each time she saw it and then find an excuse to lose it. So I gave up the search for a while and thought I would look for a shop that stocked more modern, less cheesy designs or think of another present.

Much to my surprise Mum reminded me about the idea. ‘Have you been on that net thing and found the cross stitch?’ she said. It took me a minute to realise what she was asking. ‘Oh, the needle point no I haven’t found one’. ‘Well get on with it or we won’t get it done before the baby is born. You need to get organised!’

That told me! The next day I was off to the shop. It also stocked hideous cheesy versions of feet. There is definitely a hole in the market here! I did manage to find a cushion cover with space for the baby’s name which was rather charming if a little pink! A slightly bigger project for Mum than I had planned but one she would have gobbled up a few years ago so figures crossed.

So the package is off to Mum in the post who appears to be sitting waiting for its arrival. I really hope this pays off not just in the production of a unique gift but also a project to focus her mind.